We respond to God by bringing our first and best because God gave His first and best in Jesus. As people who seek to trust, obey, and pursue God, in every aspect of life, we see giving and stewardship as a gift of God that is continually transforming us into the image of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Giving is a Privilege
Generosity is our privilege, and we give out of joy – not out of obligation. We don’t have to give; we get to give.
(2 Corinthians 8:1-9, Luke 18:9-14)
Money Reveals the Heart
Money isn’t our idol; money reveals where our idols are. (Matthew 6:1-34)
Our Hope is in Eternity, Not in Earth
We give in light of the fact that our hope is in eternal things, not in earthly things. (1 Timothy 6:6-19, Luke 12:13-21)
We Trust in God’s Provision
Our investment in God’s economy, over the world’s economy, reflects where our trust truly lies. (Mark 10:17-31
As a church family, we are regularly engaged with meeting the needs of our community and beyond. We send finances and volunteers to:
• Vite Transformate – This non-profit organization works to bring the hope of Jesus to the most vulnerable by addressing the issue of human trafficking in Italy. Most recently, we helped fund a safe house that helps women in transition.
• First Priority of South Florida – This organization gets the Gospel onto middle and high school campuses in Miami Dade County through Bible clubs, activities and more.
• McMillan Middle School – We serve this local school in our community by showing appreciation and support for the administration and staff, sponsoring the creation of their autism sensory room, beautifying the property and more.
• IMB – Several years ago, a couple from our church took steps of obedience to take the Gospel to the lost in the Horn of African as missionaries. We support them and their ministry needs.
• Care Portal - This organization connects churches with vulnerable families to help meet the needs of single parents and children in foster care.
• One More Child - This non-profit provides Christ-centered services to vulnerable children and struggling families. Our church contributes by hosting Meal Packing Events for children who are food insecure.

• Guatemala Mission Trips – We help sponsor members of our church to spend time in Guatemala, hosting dental clinics, building homes, and sharing the Gospel with those in need of Jesus.
• The Good News Care Center of South Florida – We partner with this organization to provide free access to primary healthcare to those in need.
• Benevolence – We provide financial support towards the immediate needs of those in our church family, such as groceries, utilities, and unexpected repair costs.
• Kids, students, and family ministries – Families make up a large portion of our church and we serve them with joy. We host a variety of ministry events and services for families to bring the Gospel to everyone, regardless of their age or stage in life.
• Rental of current gathering space – We rent our current gathering space, which is large enough to host our growing church, but cost effective enough that our finances can stretch to meet a variety of needs in our community and beyond.
• And so much more!

ways to give
Give Online
Simple and secure, you can give a single gift or scheduling ongoing donations using your checking account, debit, or credit card. Simply click the button below to get started:
Give anytime, anywhere through our text-to-give donation process. Text any amount to 84321 to give and select Cornerstone Miami. When you initiate your first text-to-give donation, the system will use your phone and your geographical location to suggest churches nearby (within 20 miles). After you choose Cornerstone Miami, you’ll be asked to set up a payment method or you can link to your current giving account with Cornerstone. After you set-up your account, all you have to do is send the amount to 84321 to give. Standard message and data rates may apply.
Give at Cornerstone
You can give in person by bringing your gift on Sunday morning and placing it one of the giving baskets in the back of the worship center.
Send your Donation
You can mail your donation to our mailing address:
Cornerstone Miami
8724 Sunset Drive #151
Miami, FL 33173